What are FATF Blacklist and Grey List?

With the global economy permanently impacted by and reeling from the pandemic, financial transactions are shifting into the virtual realm at an unprecedented pace. In response to this, institutions like the FATF are more important than ever. In this article, we will discuss FATF blacklist and greylist countries.

There is a concerning increase in financial crimes happening alongside the rapid growth of the global economy. The theft of billions of dollars is a significant global issue that occurs annually.

Founded in 1989, the FATF is a collection of governments working together to build relevant regulations. It is the leading body dedicated to combating compliance-based crimes.

What is FATF (Financial Action Task Force)?

The FATF or Financial Action Task Force is an international organization made up of governments from around the world. The FATF has a vital role in creating and enforcing policies and standards to fight financial crime. Currently, there are 39 FATF member countries.

The FATF has put together suggestions to address possible threats to the worldwide financial system. The establishment of the FATF was called for by the G7 in 1989. Currently, it has its headquarters in Paris.


FATF Recommendations

The Financial Action Task Force has set out worldwide rules to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction and money laundering. The first round of recommendations was published in 1990, followed by updates in 1996.

In 2001, a series of suggestions were presented to tackle the problem of funding terrorism. The most recent update, which came out in 2012, added more advice on how to handle new dangers like funding the spread of weapons of mass destruction. Moreover, additional suggestions were put forward to boost transparency and fight against corruption.

FATF Key Functions

1: Setting Laws and Standards

The FATF’s main job is to come up with complete rules to stop people from laundering money and funding terrorism. The FATF recommendations help countries around the world work together to deal with new threats by giving them a plan to follow.

Notably, the FATF is still flexible; it is always changing its rules to include new risks, such as how to regulate virtual assets like cryptocurrency. To promote openness and responsibility in the world’s financial networks, the FATF works to produce strong rules.

2: Reviewing for Compliance

Monitoring how the FATF Standards are put into practice is a key part of figuring out how well they work and making sure everyone follows them. The FATF works with respected organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank to do thorough reviews. It has more than 200 member countries and regions.

These evaluations look closely at how well member countries have incorporated FATF standards into their systems. By carefully looking over things and reviewing them with other people, problems are found and fixed. This creates a culture of compliance and makes the international financial community stronger as a whole.

3: Finding Threats and Risks and Reducing Them

The FATF keeps an eye out for bad behavior in the financial world, especially in high-risk areas that need to be dealt with. Countries that don’t follow FATF standards could be put on “grey lists” or “black lists,” which are terms for “jurisdictions under increased monitoring” or “high-risk jurisdictions.”

These designations are strong ways to push for change and force bad jurisdictions to improve their efforts to stop money laundering and terrorist financing. By closely watching and punishing companies that don’t follow the rules, the FATF Blacklist and Grey List help create a world where financial fraud is not tolerated.

What is a Blacklist?

A blacklist is a compilation of people, groups, or entities that are deemed unwanted or prohibited from specific privileges or opportunities.

It is a collection of people, organizations, or countries that are shunned or left out by others because of their perceived participation in immoral or unethical behavior. A blacklist is viewed as a form of revenge designed to cause financial hardships for the people named on the FATF Blacklist and Grey List.

Various groups, including governments and individuals, can create these lists. People on a blacklist may encounter limitations in obtaining money, participating in business endeavors, or acquiring job prospects.

What is the FATF Black List?

The FATF Blacklist, officially called the “List of High-Risk Jurisdictions Subject to a Call for Action (Call for Action for short),” is a list maintained by the FATF. For the sake of global fairness, the FATF releases two lists every year, highlighting jurisdictions that it believes have shortcomings in their compliance systems.

FATF Black List Countries

FATF Black List Countries are placed on the FATF Black List when they do not adequately address major shortcomings in their AML/CTF systems, as determined by FATF evaluations. These inadequacies can involve insufficient laws, rules, enforcement methods, or the absence of determination to address financial wrongdoing effectively.

1: The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)

The FATF’s stance on North Korea has remained consistent since 2011, advising Financial Action Task Force members member nations and all regions to monitor business collaborations and deals closely.

2: Iran

In October 2019, the FATF recommended that all countries implement improved reporting systems for financial transactions, require more thorough external audits for financial institutions with branches and subsidiaries in Iran, and enhance supervision for branches and subsidiaries of financial entities in Iran.

3: Myanmar

In 2020, Myanmar committed to addressing its problems through its proposed course of action. The action plan was set to conclude in September 2021. The FATF determined that additional measures were required due to the ongoing sluggish progress and lack of attention to most of its action items. This aligns with its protocols, urging Financial Action Task Force Members and other nations to implement more robust due diligence measures tailored to the risk presented by Myanmar.

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Implications for Countries on the Blacklist

Listing countries on the FATF Black List results in serious repercussions for those Black List countries. It may result in:

  • Economic Penalties
  • Heightened Regulatory Examination
  • Obstacles to Global Commerce and Financial Ventures

Financial institutions must implement increased caution when conducting transactions with countries on the blacklist in order to manage risks more efficiently. Here is a detailed analysis of the main outcomes:

1: Economic Sanctions

Ending up on the FATF Black List may result in facing economic sanctions from other countries or international organizations. These measures may involve limitations on trade, investment, and financial dealings, causing significant harm to the economy of the country that is on the blacklist.

2: Restrictions on International Finance

Black List countries could encounter limitations on their ability to tap into global finance, such as loans, credit facilities, and investment opportunities. Regulatory concerns and risk mitigation measures may cause financial institutions in different countries to be hesitant about conducting transactions with entities from blacklisted jurisdictions.

3: Diplomatic Consequences

The label could also result in diplomatic consequences, impacting a nation’s reputation globally. Countries on the blacklist may receive diplomatic pressure from other nations to enhance their regulatory frameworks and rectify shortcomings in fighting financial crimes.

What is the FATF Grey List?

FATF Grey List countries are not prohibited from engaging in transactions with other states, despite the misleading implication of the name. Instead, they are actively working together with the FATF to reduce the hazards of money laundering and terrorist financing in their area.

The FATF has pinpointed strategic shortcomings in their systems for addressing money laundering. The Grey List shows a country’s commitment to working with FATF and FSRB to fix its issues within specific deadlines.

Countries on the FATF Grey List

As of the FATF’s most recent statement on October 27, 2023, the following countries are Grey List countries:

  • Barbados
  • Bulgaria
  • Burkina Faso
  • Cameroon
  • The Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Croatia
  • Gibraltar
  • Haiti
  • Jamaica
  • Mali
  • Mozambique
  • Nigeria
  • Philippines
  • Senegal
  • South Africa
  • South Sudan
  • Syria
  • Tanzania
  • Turkey
  • Uganda
  • The United Arab Emirates
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen

Consequences for Countries on the Grey List

1: Increased Scrutiny

Nations on the FATF Grey List are facing heightened monitoring from the global community, regulators, and financial establishments. This evaluation will involve increased monitoring of the nation’s banking activities, enhancements in regulations, and efforts to enforce corrections for the deficiencies that have been identified.

2: Assistance in Making Necessary Reforms

Although being placed on the Grey List shows weaknesses, it also allows the country to get help with making crucial changes. The FATF and other global institutions could provide support and advice to help the nation improve its anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing efforts.

3: Potential Impact on Foreign Investment and Economic Relations

A country’s foreign investments and economic relationships can be influenced by its position on the Grey List. Investors and multinational businesses may approach organizations from grey-listed nations with caution due to concerns about financial integrity and regulatory compliance. This careful strategy could hinder foreign investment inflows and affect trade relations with other countries.

Recent Removals from the FATF Grey List and Blacklist

1: Albania

Following its placement as one of the Grey List countries in February 2020, Albania made significant strides in enhancing its efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. So, it was taken off the grey list in October 2023.

2: Barbados

Barbados was placed on the Grey List in 2020 for insufficient efforts in combating money laundering and terrorist financing, but was taken off in February 2024 following significant improvements.

3: Cambodia

Since being put on the Grey List in February 2019, Cambodia has made significant advancements in strengthening its efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. It was taken off the Grey list in February 2023.

4: Cayman Islands

When the Cayman Islands got off the Grey List countries in October 2023, it meant that their steps to stop money laundering and terrorist financing were working much better.

5: Gibraltar

After putting in place strong penalties for AML violations and working toward final confiscation decisions that fit its risk profile, Gibraltar was taken off the Grey List in February 2024.

Other Countries:

  • Jordan
  • Panama
  • Uganda
  • United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Significance of FATF Blacklist and Grey List Check

The gray and black lists of the FATF are valuable resources for compliance experts. Essentially, FATF employs these lists as a mechanism to encourage countries to enhance the effectiveness of their counterterrorism financing and anti-money laundering measures. Businesses need to refer to these lists before engaging in any transactions with individuals or organizations operating in these jurisdictions.

Maintaining AML and CTF standards mostly depends on routinely reviewing FATF Blacklist and Grey List. Grey Lists comprise nations with fewer systemic AML/CTF deficiencies, whereas Blacklists are made up of FATF-high-risk nations and jurisdictions facing severe punishments.

Financial institutions can safeguard the financial system from questionable and illicit activities by using these checks to examine high-risk transactions, improve worldwide AML compliance, and carry out efficient due diligence.

It’s crucial to remember that both the FATF Blacklist and Grey List and the nations they include are subject to frequent modification. Three times a year, the FATF releases the list, to which it adds jurisdictions under closer examination or removes nations that have complied with the FATF’s standards for AML and CFT procedures.

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In addition to providing businesses with protection and information, the FATF’s public listing of nations with inadequate AML/CFT laws has proven to be a successful approach. The FATF has examined more than 131 nations and jurisdictions as of February 2024. Of these, 82 have since been eliminated from the process after implementing the required changes to resolve their AML/CFT flaws.


Keep up with the FATF Gray Lists and Black Lists. This is very important for financial companies. Firms must also have strong CDD processes in place in order to correctly check the countries where their clients do business. When you work with clients in grey or banned countries, you need to make sure you have an EDD process in place.

With KYC Hub, get industry-leading compliance. Our state-of-the-art software and efficient onboarding process ensure that you will be adhering to compliance in a matter of hours! Never worry about fines again.

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