KYC/AML Checks for Estate Agents in the UK

Money laundering, the act of disguising illicitly acquired funds to make them appear legitimate, has long been a concern in various sectors, including real estate. The UK’s real estate sector has been heavily regulated to ensure transparency and curb illicit financial activities.

Estate agents in the UK are bound by the Money Laundering Regulations 2017, which mandates agents to meticulously collect and retain identification and address proof for all their clients. This blog aims to provide comprehensive KYC/AML checks for estate agents in the UK, ensuring adherence to these crucial regulations.

KYC/AML Checks for Estate Agents in the UK

If you’re an Estate or Letting Agent handling properties with a monthly rent of €10,000 or more, you’ve got some homework to do. The rules are clear: set up measures to foresee and counteract money laundering, ensuring your business isn’t a playground for financial criminals.

But what exactly are these regulatory requirements for estate agents?

UK estate agents have a checklist of laws to follow, ensuring they don’t become a channel for shady money. This list includes the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Criminal Finances Act 2017, and the Terrorism Act 2000. Add to that the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Regulations 2019, more commonly known as the 5th MLD, and the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations 2017, MLR 2017 for short.

The UK Government and crime agencies view real estate deals as a potential hotspot for money laundering. That’s why the MLR 2017 insists that estate agents know their customers inside out and keep proof of their KYC verifications. Spot something fishy about a client or their activities? The estate agent is obligated to tip off the National Crime Agency. For business clients, these verifications involve identifying the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO).

KYC Hub Global KYC Solutions

KYC/AML Checks for Estate Agents UK

The UK real estate sector is under stringent regulations to ensure transparency and prevent illicit financial activities. One of the primary tools to achieve this is the Know Your Customer (KYC) process. Here’s a detailed checklist:

1. Verify the Identity of Buyers and Sellers

  • Name: Ensure it matches with official documents.
  • Photographic Identification: A passport, driving license, or any official document with a photograph.
  • Residential Details: Address or date of birth, typically verified using a utility bill, bank statement, or driving license.

While manual verification can be tedious, for swift and reliable AML verifications, try KYC Hub’s electronic verification tools as a reliable alternative, conducting robust AML checks within seconds.

2. Streamlined Onboarding Process

Whether onboarding an individual or a business, leverage platforms that offer real-time data, including credit information, ID verification, and checks against PEPs and sanctions lists. Such platforms ensure compliance while simplifying the customer onboarding process.

3. Craft a Comprehensive Policy Statement

A well-detailed policy statement is essential. It should outline:

  • AML policies, controls, and procedures.
  • The risk-based approach for customer identification and verification.
  • Employee training protocols and the importance of reporting suspicious activities.
  • Monitoring controls in place.

4. Appoint a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO)

As per the UK’s Money Laundering Regulations 2007, every regulated business must have an MLRO or a ‘nominated officer.’ This individual oversees the firm’s AML systems and is the primary contact for related inquiries. The MLRO plays a pivotal role in:

  • Serving as the point of contact for reporting suspicious activities.
  • Informing senior managers about money laundering risks.
  • Conducting regular AML training sessions for employees.
  • Documenting all AML policies and procedures.
  • Maintain Detailed Records
  • Record-keeping is not just about diligence; it’s a regulatory requirement.

Estate agents must ensure the following:

  • Risk assessments.
  • AML policies, controls, and procedures.
  • Training records.

All records should be securely stored for a minimum of five years. If the agency operates from multiple locations, conducting and documenting annual audits for each branch is necessary. By adhering to this checklist, UK estate agents can ensure compliance and foster trust with their clients, reinforcing their reputation as transparent and reliable professionals in the industry.

KYC Hub's AML Screening and Monitoring Solution


In conclusion, the KYC process, while comprehensive, is a critical step in ensuring the legitimacy and security of estate transactions in the UK. Whether you’re an individual, a representative of an estate, a company, or a trust, it’s essential to be prepared with the necessary documents to facilitate a smooth transaction.

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